Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Life Changing Events
If someone moved away from a state or neighborhood where they've lived there whole life
they will change the way they live some people will take it as something that is normal others will exaggerate and become quiet most of there lives or nervous
Should the United States Get Involved in Other Countries Affairs?
Or like in Iraq, Iraq never asked for help so U.S. didn't need to help them unless they ask or need help from the U.S.
The only time the U.S. should get involved is If the U.S. has a national threat then they should get involved like for instance WW1 it was a good thing that U.S. had gotten involved when Great Britain intercepted the Zimmerman note that was a possible threat to the U.S. so it was a good thing that America got involved
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Is it ok to get involved on other people's business?
If someone is going to do something that is going to hurt you or anyone else then it is your business
If someone is doing something that is going to make them famous or something and they want to do it on there own then it is not your or my business
Have you ever jumped into someone else's business? If so, why?
I have jumped into someones business but only because they needed help with the problems in there life i helped them get motivation and hope to why they can keep going on in school and not drop out
Under what conditions/situations is it ok or even necessary for you to get involved in someone else's business?
it is okay for you to get into someone's business when they are about to do something like commit murder or do suiccide or drop out of school because it can really mess up there lives or even end it and make it worse
When should people mind their own business
when others ask them to or if it is none of there concern like if someone in class gets in trouble it is none of your business
Monday, November 9, 2009
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Money isn't Everything
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Walking Through Fire

I see Algerian’s are selling weapons to the Sunday soldiers who are what I heard evil
The sky is red like a fire storm, from the hills soldiers come as if they were scared
My mom and I left before they got to our house we walked for miles until we rested
I awoke in the morning to ask why we left and all I hear my mother say is to carry the haversack She ignores me and we keep walking, war is afoot as if it has just spawn from hell itself
We have been walking for what seems a decade when we finally see it
The colony, we have made it to safety of the sacred soil we so call our very own state
Letter To Ruffin

Dear Ruffin,
Why did you fire at fort Sumter? Many people ask why you fired on them when they new that even if you did start a war with the first shots did you know you would lose.
Were you firing at them because you hated them or because you hated the Union and the North? Did you think you were as smart as a fox or did you think you have a horse’s sense? Why did you start the war? I am sitting here right now typing to you about the civil war and I still think that the south could have just agreed and let the slaves go free instead of having to go to war. This is all I have to say about the civil war I know they are questions but I am curious as to why you decided to fire at fort Sumter and start a war everyone knew that the north was not going to start a war with the south but ever since you fired at Fort Sumter people have been wondering as to why you did that i myself wonder as to why i have been asking these questions if you have an answer to them write me back
Sincerely, Eric
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Top 10 most painful topics
Cherokee “Trail of Tears”-this is one of the saddest trails that has ever happened because many Cherokee, Chickasaw, Choctaw, Muscogee-creek, and Seminole Indians lost there lives while traveling west to the Indian reserve land, the Cherokee lost 4,000 out of 15,000 people that is why it is a sad trail and a story that could make you cry. This is why this is the number one topic that is the most painful
- 1793 Fugitive Slave Act-this is the number 2 painful topic because it denied the people of there rights. They would not let runaway slaves have there freedom instead they would capture them and send them back to their masters. It denied the humans of their rights. The Fugitive Slave Act of 1793 is a bill that states that if a slave runs away to the north or to a free state they are to be captured and returned to their master that is why I hate this topic, and why it is also a painful topic from this period of U.S. History.
- 1811 Native Americans defeated in Battle of Tippecanoe in Indian Territory- this is the third most painful topic because it talks of the Indians land loss. They lost their land, their crops, homes, and peaceful lives. That is why this is a painful topic.
- 1830 Indian Removal Act- this act was signed by president Andrew Jackson, and it stated that all Indians be removed from their land east of the Mississippi River, so that other settlers can get land. A lot of Indian chiefs who resisted started to rethink there positions especially after Jackson’s massive re-election. Many Indians had to relocate because of this act, and that is another reason why I think this topic is bad and painful.
- 1834 Indian Territory Founded- land was set aside for the Indians which is in modern day Oklahoma. I put this topic as a painful one because the Indians were forced to live on reserved land, and they lost their homes and culture.
- 1814 Andrew Jackson crushes Creek Resistance in the South- this is another painful topic because it talks of the Indians getting killed over their resistance to move because it is their land. It is a painful topic because of the fact that many Indians in that era lost all their lives and land which they lived from because people wanted to be greedy.
- 1817-1818 First Seminole War- this is a painful topic because it explains that the first Seminole War was between three Native American tribes going to war with the United States over land and the natives resisting. It resulted in more wars between the Seminoles and the U.S. government.
- 1848 Mexican Cession- the Mexican cession talks about how the Spanish signed a treaty after a short war giving the U.S. land of present day known as California, Nevada, Arizona, and Utah. The land was given to the U.S. from a treaty commonly known as Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, which ends the war between the U.S. and Mexico.
- 1821 Missouri Compromise- the Missouri compromise is a painful topic because the Missouri compromise is a bill that wasn’t passed which was a good thing. But it stated that there cannot be any slaves in the former Louisiana territory but there can be in Mississippi. The House of Representatives declined the bill but passed a similar one in January allowing Missouri to be a slave state which is a painful topic because it denied certain people of there rights to be a citizen of the United States, in December Alabama became a slave state to which meant that more states were becoming slave states instead of free states which is a bad thing to have because then the states become unbalance which can lead to revolution and economic depression.
- 1834 Second Seminole War in Florida-the United States fought various Native Americans in Florida. This was one of the most painful topics because it was very expensive for the U.S.A; many Americans and Natives alike lost many lives all because of a stupid war that was fought over who gets land and who doesn’t.
Monday, September 28, 2009
Top 10 Most Exciting Topics
- 1803 Louisiana Purchase-Thomas Jefferson purchases new land from France for 3c an acre (11,250,000) plus cancellation of debts 18 million francs (3,750,000) a total cost of 15 million dollars for the Louisiana territory. The purchase is of 14 current states today and 2 Canadian states. The purchase was a vital moment in the presidency of Thomas Jefferson. This is an exciting topic for my top 10 most exciting topics because if Thomas Jefferson had never bought the Louisiana Purchase we wouldn’t have the current states we have now.
- War of 1812-This war was between the United States and the British Empire. The Americans were at war with Britain for many reasons. Britain was not letting America trade with France because they were at war with them for a while now Britain was breaking an international law, second the impressments (forced recruitment) of U.S. into the royal navy, finally the British support the native Americans offering them armed resistance to help them revolt in the American frontier northwest. This topic is exciting because it talks of how the United States decided to take a stand and stop being bullied by Britain.
- 1789-1797 George Washington- George Washington was one of the founding fathers who helped win the American revolutionary war in 1775-1783. He is the first president of the United States. This topic is exciting because it talks of the founding father George Washington who was the “father of our country” as people sometimes called him because he was a great strategist and a great leader of the United States. He set the precedent for all the Presidents that followed.
- 1801-1809 Thomas Jefferson-one of our founding fathers who wrote the Declaration of Independence, also promoted the idea of republicanism in the United States. He also had a major moment in his presidency when he bought the Louisiana Purchase in 1803. This topic is exciting because of the fact that the founding father wrote the Declaration of Independence and made the United States an independent country from Great Britain with the help of politician like Jefferson.
- 1798 Alien and Sedition Act- Alien and Sedition Act were four bills passed in 1798 by the Federalist in the United States Congress who were waging an undeclared naval war with France, later known as the Quasi-War. The act was to not give any power to the alien (citizen of other country at war with) enemy power because if they had power they would attack and weaken the government which would be bad for the war and the U.S. This is one of the exciting acts that I like because it helped protect the government and citizens of the U.S. from foreign enemies.
- 1848-1855 California Gold Rush-begin on January 24, 1848, when gold was discovered by James Wilson Marshall at Sutter’s mill, in Coloma, California. News of the discovery soon spread and soon 300,000 men, women, and children were coming to California throughout the U.S. and the world. Half of the 300,000 came from sea while the other half came from land. They all had one thing in mind they wanted to find gold. The gold rush was an exciting part of U.S. history because the U.S. became richer. It inspired the idea that there might be more gold throughout the U.S., and it also inspired even more people to come to the western U.S. to settle there.
- 1793 Eli Whitney invents cotton gin- his invention was one of the key inventions in the industrial revolution. It shaped the economy of the antebellum south. Despite the social and economic impact of his invention Eli Whitney’s invention of the cotton gin is one of the best inventions that were made because it made cotton production a lot easier, and is also a revolutionary invention.
- 1823 Monroe Doctrine- the Monroe doctrine was a policy introduced in December 2, 1823. The policy said that if any Europeans decided to colonize more land or interfere with the states of America it would be viewed by the United States as acts of aggression requiring intervention of the Untied States army. The Monroe Doctrine asserted that the western hemisphere not be furthered colonized by European countries. The United Sates will not interfere with existing European colonies or in the internal concerns of European countries. The policy was issued when many Latin American countries were on the verge of becoming independent from Spain (I guess the United States rebelling against Britain showed an example to all). This is exciting because it made the United States became a world power.
- 1841-1845 John Tyler- John Tyler was the tenth president of the United States. A long time democratic-republican John Tyler was elected vice president by a Whig ticket. Upon the death of President William Henry Harrison on April 4, 1841 vice president John Tyler became president of the United States. The nation was briefly in a state of confusion regarding the process of successor. Ultimately the situation was settled by Tyler becoming president. Tyler took the oath of office on April 6, 1841, a setting that would govern future successions. At fifty-one years old he was the youngest to take office to that point (whereas Harrison was the oldest man to take office as president). This topic is exciting because it speaks of a person who made history not discovered it but made history and an amendment in later times it also explains that if one person can make a difference then we all can John Tyler showed all future presidents that if he can become the youngest president and still be a good successor then they can to.
- 1804-1806 Lewis and Clarke expedition-the expedition was one of the first to be recorded crossing from St. Louis to the pacific. Having been preceded to the pacific coast on July 20, 1793 by a Canadian expedition led by explorer Sir Alexander Mackenzie who had previously crossed North America in 1789 as well but instead of continuing on his expedition he turned north at the Continental Divide. He became the first European to reach the western Arctic Ocean. In 1536, Cabeza de Vaca and four others of the Narvaez expedition reached the Pacific Ocean after crossing the continental through parts of what later became the United States. The Lewis and Clarke expedition is an exciting topic to put on my list of top 10 because it talks about how they traveled all of the U.S. and were the first to travel to the coast and back.
Friday, September 25, 2009
Fighting and What I Did
Friday, September 18, 2009
When is Breaking the Law Justified?
When people started coming to this country, in the 1900’s people started to hate being treated unfairly like Martin Luther King Jr. he knew that people were being treated unfairly so when he started the civil acts right he made another great historic event. What if MLK Jr. never started to civil acts right and told the government and people of the U.S. about how they were being treated unfairly? People would still be treated unfairly making racial comments to people and fghting over how they should be treated. There would be fighting all over the streets would be more dangerous then they are now there would be war all over because people would be mad that they were being treated unfairly. That day when all the people band together and finally got the government to agree with us was a historic day we finally got our rights that we deserved
Revolutionary War
The part that surprised me the most abut the document I read was the fact that they didn’t capture the British troops as prisoners of war when they were going after the regiments of hessians. But the fact that the troops were moving faster then expected. they were winning the war a at an unexpected rate then the British because the British were underestimating them, when they captured the 4 cannons and only lost 2 cannons that was a good win for the americans
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Growing up is Painfull yet FUN
growing up can be exciting because when you grow up you get new oppurtunities and you get to see a whole new world by 1 living in it 2 working in it and 3 being a part of a whole new group adulthood but it can also be painfull becuase 1 you are more likly to get hurt 2 it takes longer for you to heal when you are injured unlike when your a kid you can heal in 2 weeks or so but when your an adult it takes longer to heal, a month or so but aside from all the pain you get from growing up it is still fun to grow up because you can get your own job make decisions and you get your own money being an adult is really fun but why let me tell you when you yourself in the future are going to feel hat its like to be an adult
Monday, August 17, 2009
1 defense: to make sure all the civilian's and pedestrians are safe from attackers ( all government have a sort of defense aka air force, navy, marines, etc.
2 national identity: every state is unique in its own way just like a person there are no 2 alike there is just one there cant be 2 flags nor 2 pledges every state needs to protect its own identity
3 representation: a government represents the intrest of its own nation like by going into trading agreements with other nations making treaties etc.
4 infrastructure: needs to supply the nation, good drinking water, eletricity, roads, bridges, etc.
5 social welfare: to protect the minors of the state from stuff they shouldnt see go to school learn get a education etc.
I would go into a reveloution if the government wasnt fulfilling the needs it needed to do because the economy would go bad diseases would kill people and nothing would be safe because the crime rate would go up because of loss of jobs and to much fightingThursday, August 13, 2009
People back then would treat there wives as maids instead of equal people like themselves
What surprised me was the fact that all this happened in Boston and not anywhere else
Unlike now a days everyone is treated equally instead of different because everyone is equal not one better then another we have the amendments which show us that we should all be treated as one and no be treated as different
the morale of the story that i read is that you should not treat your wife or friends any different then how you treat yourself or someone else
Monday, August 10, 2009
Immigration To United States
What motivates immigrants to come to the United States today is to look for jobs and a good economy to live in because back in their old country their economy is bad and it is hard to find a good job there. They lose the ability to see their family everyday and can only see them only a few times in a year, but they gain a good job at the new country they go to. They gain new rights and new things but I think they somehow regret that they can’t see their family whenever they want to, so the reason immigrants come to the United States today is mostly for the reason to have more rights and to look for good jobs.
For economic or freedom?
I would mostly move somewhere else mostly for economic reasons then for freedom, because I think there is more freedom here in the United States then there is anywhere else in the world. If the economy is better somewhere else then I can find a good job that pays well and somehow still have freedom at the same time, while having a good job that pays well so it’s like if I have freedom and good pay at the same time. So if I had made a decision to move somewhere for economic reasons or freedom it would be mostly for economic then freedom.