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Monday, August 17, 2009

The 5 Purposes Of The Government

1 defense: to make sure all the civilian's and pedestrians are safe from attackers ( all government have a sort of defense aka air force, navy, marines, etc.

2 national identity: every state is unique in its own way just like a person there are no 2 alike there is just one there cant be 2 flags nor 2 pledges every state needs to protect its own identity

3 representation: a government represents the intrest of its own nation like by going into trading agreements with other nations making treaties etc.

4 infrastructure: needs to supply the nation, good drinking water, eletricity, roads, bridges, etc.

5 social welfare: to protect the minors of the state from stuff they shouldnt see go to school learn get a education etc.

I would go into a reveloution if the government wasnt fulfilling the needs it needed to do because the economy would go bad diseases would kill people and nothing would be safe because the crime rate would go up because of loss of jobs and to much fighting

Thursday, August 13, 2009

My assignment on U.S. History

People back then would treat there wives as maids instead of equal people like themselves

What surprised me was the fact that all this happened in Boston and not anywhere else

Unlike now a days everyone is treated equally instead of different because everyone is equal not one better then another we have the amendments which show us that we should all be treated as one and no be treated as different

the morale of the story that i read is that you should not treat your wife or friends any different then how you treat yourself or someone else

Monday, August 10, 2009

Immigration To United States

The reason for immigration to the United States

What motivates immigrants to come to the United States today is to look for jobs and a good economy to live in because back in their old country their economy is bad and it is hard to find a good job there. They lose the ability to see their family everyday and can only see them only a few times in a year, but they gain a good job at the new country they go to. They gain new rights and new things but I think they somehow regret that they can’t see their family whenever they want to, so the reason immigrants come to the United States today is mostly for the reason to have more rights and to look for good jobs.

For economic or freedom?

I would mostly move somewhere else mostly for economic reasons then for freedom, because I think there is more freedom here in the United States then there is anywhere else in the world. If the economy is better somewhere else then I can find a good job that pays well and somehow still have freedom at the same time, while having a good job that pays well so it’s like if I have freedom and good pay at the same time. So if I had made a decision to move somewhere for economic reasons or freedom it would be mostly for economic then freedom.