Dear Ruffin,
Why did you fire at fort Sumter? Many people ask why you fired on them when they new that even if you did start a war with the first shots did you know you would lose.
Were you firing at them because you hated them or because you hated the Union and the North? Did you think you were as smart as a fox or did you think you have a horse’s sense? Why did you start the war? I am sitting here right now typing to you about the civil war and I still think that the south could have just agreed and let the slaves go free instead of having to go to war. This is all I have to say about the civil war I know they are questions but I am curious as to why you decided to fire at fort Sumter and start a war everyone knew that the north was not going to start a war with the south but ever since you fired at Fort Sumter people have been wondering as to why you did that i myself wonder as to why i have been asking these questions if you have an answer to them write me back
Sincerely, Eric
Please re-read the guidelines for this assignment. You are supposed to write from the perspective of the rifle amongst other things. Good use of slang though. 15/30 points for this one.